Okotech uPVC window and doors profiles

Why uPVC Profiles should be your first choice

May Fri, 2019

Your customers may be contemplating a variety of materials for their doors and windows. With this in mind, you may want to take another close look at Okotech uPVC window and doors profiles and tell your side of the story in a forthright and convincing manner.

Give them a new dimension to imagine. Make them see why Okotech is their best choice when compared to other uPVC profiles and also when compared to wooden or iron profiles. Win them over.

Enhance The Visual Appeal: 
One of the primary benefits associated with our uPVC profile is that it adds a sense of style, elegance and security, an iron or wooden door may not.

Okotech’s uPVC profiles for window and doors come in a wide array of designs along with a range of different types of color and lamination schemes. From a natural coloration to black to white to many other appealing options that can be crafted to complement the interiors and exteriors of your space.

Step Up The Level of Security:
Every customer has a strong desire to keep homes and commercial spaces safe, sound, and secure.

Okotech’s uPVC profiles for window and doors provide an extra level of security with their steel reinforcement and multipoint locking system. Apart from being sturdy and durable. They are not something that can be readily or easily penetrated.

Durable and Long Lasting:
You can also tell your customers that once they make an investment in an Okotech uPVC profile for window and door, they can plan on having it as part of their establishment for years to come.

Our uPVC profile is not destined to wear out. Rather, the only event that may cause the uPVC window and doors profiles to be replaced, if the day ever comes, is when they want a substantial design change.

Affordable & Economical:
Another key benefit of our uPVC profile for windows and doors is that it is an economical investment. Although a particular kind of Okotech uPVC window and door may prove to be a bit more expensive than some other less sturdy window and door option, an Okotech uPVC profile will outlast nearly any other type of door they might consider purchasing.

The long life associated with our uPVC profile for doors and windows makes it a truly wise investment. Over the long term, your customers will actually end up saving money, because they will not need to paint, varnish, or worry about corrosion, rust, or a white ant infestation.

Size Matters:
With our uPVC window and doors profiles, customers are granted more freedom as to what size their uPVC windows and doors can be. Our profiles can readily be designed, fashioned, and crafted to meet the unique specifications that will match their desired shape and size.
Whether they are building a new home, or remodeling an existing one, customers do not need to accept a one size fits all template when it comes to installing the perfect uPVC window and door for their buildings.

They just have to turn to you and to Okotech uPVC window and doors profiles and take full advantage of an array of marvellous designs and extraordinary benefits that are associated with installing Okotech uPVC windows and doors.


Particulars   uPVC  Wood  Iron
Surface Quality        Surface quality is maintained Requires regular up keeping Uneven. Corrosion sets in
Thermal Insulation Excellent protection from atmospheric heat transmission due to wider profile depth and conductivity, multi chamber section and low K value Fair Poor. Being a metal, it has a poor thermal insulation and high thermal conductivity
Fire Resistance Excellent Poor Fair
Acoustic Insulation Excellent. The multi-chamber sealed cavities and welded corners offers excellent acoustic from acoustic insulation properties Fair Poor. The mechanically joint corners renders very poor result acoustic from acoustic insulation angle
Dimensional Accuracies Excellent. Fabricated by state of art German sophisticated machines hence offers uniform quality control
Energy Conservation Excellent      **** Requires xx times the energy than that required to manufacture uPVC
Eco-Friendliness Excellent. Lead free & easily recyclable Poor. Reduces tree cover Poor. Increases pollution
Maintenance Less maintenance due to pristine appearance. No paint work or lubrication required. Just simple cleaning with any detergent will keep the profiles looking like new Requires regular painting & polishing Regular maintenance should be done
Security  High. Lasts long. Much stronger, due to galvanized iron steel reinforcement. Multi-lock system adds to the security Good Good
Warping   Does not warp. Last for a life time Can warp Can bend. Making closing difficult
Rot, Rusting or Corroding Doesn’t Rot, Corrode or Rust. Changes due to climatic conditions Will rust & corrode