13 Feb 2024

The Wooden Trends In uPVC Windows

Any home or workplace can benefit from the spectacular effect that a splash of colour can have on a drab window frame. Wood-coloured uPVC windows completely alter the appearance of a building. The option adds flair to new design elements, …

uPVC Profiles for Optimal Thermal Insulation 24 Dec 2023

Okotech uPVC Profiles: The Key to Achieving Optimal Thermal Insulation in Your Home or Office

Increasing the thermal insulation of your building can make all the difference for you if you are paying too much for energy and living or working in a bad place. What’s more, one of the most outstanding ways of accomplishing …

22 Dec 2023

How to suggest the right uPVC window and door frame based on your client’s requirements?

More and more people are choosing uPVC to be the material of choice for their windows and doors as the uPVC market continues to expand at an exponential rate. It can be difficult to choose the style and type that …

21 Dec 2023

Why multi-chambered designs and high wall thickness matter in uPVC profiles?

With numerous advantages over conventional materials like wood, uPVC window profiles are gaining popularity faster than ever before. There is a wide range of uPVC profiles on the market as a result of rising demand. In today’s world, not only …

19 Dec 2023

The Manufacturing Process of Okotech’s uPVC Profiles

Okotech is a leading manufacturer of uPVC profiles used for making windows and doors. With a focus on quality and innovation, Okotech has established itself as a trusted brand in the market. But have you ever wondered about the manufacturing …

uPVC Customization 16 Dec 2023

The Customization Options Available with Okotech’s uPVC Window and Door Profiles

The window or door frame is the most visible part of a house which is why it is important to choose the right one. At Okotech, you can choose from a wide range of uPVC windows and doors to create …

06 Oct 2023

Aluminium Profiles vs uPVC Profiles: Which is Better?

Have you ever wondered why uPVC profiles supplanted aluminium profiles? The explanation is simple: uPVC profiles are superior in every way. We frequently hear people worry about the weak structure that keeps our homes’ architectural basics together. Rotting and termite …

uPVC Window & Door Profiles 06 Oct 2023

Are Your uPVC Window & Door Profiles Built To Last?

Windows and doors with profiles are essential for both residential and commercial buildings. Regarding the utilisation of materials needed to build windows and doors, there has been a paradigm shift in the Indian market. uPVC profiles are a household favourite.. …

06 Oct 2023

Is wooden lamination a better choice when installing uPVC profiles?

Profiles of uPVC windows and doors are laminated so that they look aesthetically more pleasing. Installing uPVC frames is the best choice and adding a touch of customisation does the right justice to them. Considering the fact that uPVC profiles …

low maintenance uPVC windows 14 Apr 2020

Why are low maintenance Windows on every customer’s mind?

India is one of the most diverse countries in more ways than one. And none are more apparent than the vastly different weather conditions that you will find across the landscape. From intense heat in the plains, heavy rainfall and …

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