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What Are the Ways to Maintain Your uPVC Windows?

Dec Thu, 2022

Let us begin by knowing about uPVC Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC) is a material that we all prefer for our windows and doors to make them seem modish, and the material is recognised as being the most reliable and eco-friendly compared to others.

Though the profiles are simple to maintain, we may extend their life by following a few guidelines and cleaning techniques.

You will need:

  • Clean Cloth and sponge (to clean tracks)
  • Vacuum Cleaner (optional)
  • Water
  • Diluted Bleach Solution (Do not use harsh solution since the material has heat insulation coating)
  • Screwdriver
  • To begin, use a clean cloth to remove extra dust from the frames; you may use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from the corners.
  • Prepare the diluted bleach solution, and then clean the frames with it. Use gentle pressure on the frames; a light cleaning will suffice (you can also prepare solution at home using vinegar, hot water, or detergent)
  • Clean the frames once again with water to eliminate any surplus solution. Remember to clean every nook of the frames.
  • Clean the tracks with the wet sponge that is trimmed to fit their form.
  • Wipe the wetness from the frames with a dry and clean towel. Allowing them to dry in the air may result in hard water stains on the frame.
  • Remove the screws one at a time to clean the dust that has accumulated inside the handles and holders.

These are the few easy and effective steps you can follow to restore the appearance of your uPVC window and door profiles!

If you find this information useful, also read 5 signs that you need new uPVC profiles l Okotech